track and trace
In today’s manufacturing environment, the ability to track and trace your products through every step of the supply chain—from raw materials to finished product to warehouse to shipment out the door—is critical.
With quick and accurate track and trace, you can:
- Catch errors and defective products before they get to market, saving you money (and your reputation)
- Protect against counterfeiting and prove point of origin for every product
- Facilitate faster and more effective product recalls
- Stay compliant with regulatory guidelines
But it goes further than that.

When track and trace software is automated and fully integrated with all other production data (including OEE, SPC, Recipes, etc.), it can actually help you make smarter decisions and manage your entire manufacturing ecosystem better.
By natively utilizing ISA-95 standards, Track and Trace software from Business Intelligence Solutions fits right into your MES between enterprise resource planning (ERP) and the plant floor and gives you the ability to instantly look up where any product is—and where it’s been.
That, and a whole lot more:
- Seamless integration. Track & trace pulls and links production data from OEE, SPC, recipe systems, historic trends, and more. You can query external ERPs. You can get in-depth analysis and data, develop action summaries, and more. Track & trace becomes a vital tool to help you work smarter and make better decisions.
- Data visualization. Don’t strain your eyes looking at boring spreadsheets! Use the module’s visual graphs to quickly visualize the entire supply chain—a chronological account of every process, run, lot, and route along the way from raw materials to finished product.
- Automated tracking. Go paperless! All your vital information is stored digitally, where it can be easily retrieved and analyzed. Not only is this more convenient, but it can help you avoid fines and regulatory problems.
If you want better and faster traceability and a suite of advanced tools to help you take confident command of inventory and operations management, give Business Intelligence Solutions a call today.
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